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Welcome to Matt Smith's Official Web Site!


Matt Smith is the acclaimed drummer of Audio Warfare as well as various side-projects such as Sector 8, and his solo project ANTI-MATTER.

This web site brings you a multitude of information, resources, and multimedia regarding His Music, fans, and yes the bands, and of course personal input and insight from Matt himself.

Note From Matt:

Check Out Another Matt Smith Doing Prog Metal

9-26-03 My ANTI-MATTER Project is taking off as we speak, Ive been in contact with outside musicians, and singers that are interested in playing in ANTI-MATTER, and have started writting music. I feel that it will lead in a Progressive Metal aproach, really melodic with a mix of really heavy riffs!

9-23-03 Started Working On new Recording Studio Over at Kyle's Basement. Will be a digital recording studio, perfect for recording music for ANTI-MATTER, and other bands.

Current Plans

1) Write Music For ANTI-MATTER, and Find Guest Musicians/Singers For Album

Drumming Goals

1) Finish Drums

News Updated By Matt Himself.


New Web Site Design Completed!


Undergoing New DrumSet Configuration for ANTI-Matter. Pics will be posted soon


Started Writting Music for The Upcomming ANTI-MATTER Album


The Alien Drums Loops I recorded For Bill Simpson over at AlienFish Audio Will yet again be delayed due to technical Difficulties :(

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